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115054, Moscow 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya ul.

Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 * 12481

Email: fldepartment@hse.ru; langhse@gmail.com

Head of the School Ekaterina Kolesnikova

Secretary's phone number: +7 (495) 772-95-90 ext. 23152

Deputy Head of the School Nadezhda Vradiy
Maria Popugaeva
Deputy Head of the School Maria Popugaeva

Academic work

Academic work at the School of Foreign Languages (SFL) includes the following events: SFL scientific seminars, workshops, and linguistic salons, as well as an annual international conference.
Workshops provide the opportunity for professors to share their professional knowledge and experience with colleagues. The workshops are open to professors who have:
·       Undertaken a refresher course in Russia or abroad;
·       Taken part in a valuable and exiting scientific event (international scientific seminar, conference and etc.);
·       Finished strong scientific research or similar project.
SFL Scientific Seminars provide a platform for professors to present and discuss their academic research. Requirements: oral presentation (up to 10-15 min), electronic presentation. Thesis (1000 characters) should be sent in time. Deadlines for submission can be found on the SFL website before every seminar.
The Linguistic Salonis an opportunity for professors, bachelor and master students to meet with famous linguists, translators and interpreters, and leading experts in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The first opening of the linguistic salon was held in November, 2016.
The School of Foreign Languages holds an annual international conference “Cross-cultural Communication Strategies in the Modern World”. During the conference a wide number of issues, of interest to linguists and foreign language teachers, are discussed. The best papers are accepted for publication in the collection of scientific articles of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics".
Currently four conferences have been already held, with the most recent, “Cross-cultural Communication Strategies in the Modern World: Language, Education and Culture”, taking place on 6th-7th December, 2018.