Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find reliable SOURCES?
Recommended Sources: EBSCO, ProQuest, ebrary and others
2. How can I avoid PLAGIARISM?
3. How can I incorporate CITATIONS?
APA Citation Guide
4. How can I arrange REFERENCES?
5. What TRANSITIONS can I use to make my paper more coherent?
6. What free online resourse can I use to CHECK my paper for grammar and plagiarism?
7. Can I master it all on the go with an iphone/ipad APP?
A free application called AWE (Academic Writing in English) can help.
8. Can I use sources in other languages rather than English?
Technically yes, but we do not encourage it since the paper is aimed at showing your ability to work with the body of literature in English. Besides, citing sources in other languages is not a common practice in international journals printed in English.
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