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Research Proposal Presentations

It's essential to understand that the paper itself and its presentation are two interconnected but separate aspects of academic activity. Thus, they are evaluated SEPARATELY. There are cases when an excellent paper is so poorly presented that the cumulative grade turns out to be much less than desired. This page is designed in order to prevent the mismatch in the quality of the written work and its oral presentation.

 Academic Presentation Evaluation Rubric 

Presentation Vocabulary

Tips on SLIDES

Remember NOT to include complete sentences or entire paragraphs in your slides (2 points off the grade for the presentation!), unless these are your research questions or hypothesis.  

Formatting In-Text References (Slides)

Presentation format, structure and register


Name and position. The title/topic of the presentation. The purpose of the presentation. The main parts or points to be covered (plan). The length of time you will take. When the audience may ask questions.

Time range:  1-2 min.

Main body:

It contains the sequence of the points of the prearranged plan. This part should address the relevance (importance) of the research problem and present key findings from previous research on the topic, the chosen methodology and expected outcomes from conducting the research (including preliminary findings, if applicable). Definitional clarifications can be provided in this part of the presentation where necessary.

Time range:  4-6 min.

Finishing off:

Signal to end. A statement about the implications of the study for the research area and the wider community. Invitation to questions.

Time range:  1-2 min.

Total time constraints for the presentation - 6-8 min.

Presentation Samples: 



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