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115054, Moscow 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya ul.
Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 * 12481
Email: fldepartment@hse.ru; langhse@gmail.com
Kolesnikova E., Vradiy N., Попова Д. А. et al.
M.: Proswestschenie, 2024.
Nwankwo J. C.
Communication and Medicine. 2024. Vol. 19. No. 3.
Baglai N. O.
In bk.: Новый мир. Новый язык. Новое мышление. Выпуск VII: Материалы VII международной научно-практической конференции. M.: Дипломатическая академия Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации, 2024.
Fedotova I.
Arts and Humanities. No. osf.io, 2023
In a seminar-style format, the lecturer considered and discussed aspects of effective online material design and elaborated on how to use a particular tool to create simple online activities. The LOC tool (the Learning Object Creator tool) has been developed by the University of Southampton, includes a pedagogical template and is simple to use. Using the tool provides a focus for materials creation in practice and discussion about how online materials might fit with a face-to-face course in a blended situation, and how technology can integrate into existing teaching methods and patterns. By the end of the two days, participants created their own example of online learning material using the LOC tool, and through discussion and one-to-one feedback, considered effective online material design and their own teaching context through discussion and practical activity.
The students from the HSE School of Foreign Languages organised a cultural programme for the lectuter. It included tours to Kremlin and the historical centre of Moscow, visit to the Tretyakov Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts, walking along old Moscow streets.