Cross-cultural Communication Strategies in the Modern World: Language, Education and Culture
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to invite you to participate in the IV-th international conference “Cross-cultural Communication Strategies in the Modern World: Language, Education and Culture” which will take place on December, 6-7, 2018 in Moscow. The conference is organized by the Department of Foreign Languages of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" in cooperation with National Association of Teachers of English in Russia, and National Association of Applied Linguistics.
The conference is designed to bring together scholars from various parts of Russia and from abroad to discuss topical issues in Linguistics, Teaching Foreign Languages, Cross-cultural Communication and Language Policy.
The call for papers welcomes original research related to the English, French, German, Spanish, and other languages.
Conference Tracks:
1. Language Teaching Models in Institutions of Higher Education.2. Modern Linguistics: Challenges and Development Prospects
3. Current Trends in Applied Linguistics
4. Cognitive Studies in Linguistics
5. Basics of Academic Communication
6. Translation Studies
7. Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies
8. Cutting-edge Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages
9. Young Researcher
The program includes plenary sessions, parallel sections and round tables.