Registration and Proposal Requirements
Proposals should contain your first and last names (patronymic, if applicable), affiliation, position, telephone number and email address. The paper title and its abstract (up to 500 characters) should be given in Russian and English. You should also choose the section for which you submit your research.
The authors should also submit the paper summary (up to 3,500 characters) in the language of the presentation. The paper summary must be submitted as doc or pdfdocument. The file for submission should be titled : Ivanov I.I._summary.
All submissions will be reviewed by referees, and submitting authors will receive the notice of acceptance. Review criteria for submitted papers include the following: professional significance, problem statement, research methodology, anticipated results and conclusions.
Important deadlines:
Submissions are accepted by September 30, 2018.
The authors will be informed about the acceptance of their paper by October 20, 2018.
Conference programme is published by October 30, 2018.
Conference languages are Russian and English.
Presentations are limited to 15 minutes.