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115054, Moscow 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya ul.

Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 * 12481

Email: fldepartment@hse.ru; langhse@gmail.com

Head of the School Ekaterina Kolesnikova

Secretary's phone number: +7 (495) 772-95-90 ext. 23152

Deputy Head of the School Nadezhda Vradiy
Maria Popugaeva
Deputy Head of the School Maria Popugaeva
Dialogue of culture vs non- dialogue of cultures in Woke World: Case of foreign language teaching

Tareva E., Boris V. Tarev.

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Series: Humanities & Social Sciences. 2024. Vol. 17. No. 11. P. 2256-2267.

Book chapter
The modulation of novel word acquisition with theta-band transcranial alternating current stimulation

Zhuravleva A.A., Stupina E., Malyutina S.A.

In bk.: Десятая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: Тезисы докладов. Пятигорск, 26–30 июня 2024 г.. Pyatigorsk: ОПиИД УНР ФГБОУ ВО «ПГУ», 2024. P. 117-118.

Working paper
Digital resources on the Uralic languages of Siberia: an overview, evaluation and application

Fedotova I.

Arts and Humanities. No. osf.io, 2023

Tag " intercultural communication" – News

‘You Can Always Find Common Ground with Others’

Ksenia Chermoshentseva, Student Affairs Manager at the School of Foreign Languages, has extensive experience with intercultural communication going back to her early childhood. This experience helps her in her work—students of the School of Foreign Languages, after all, come from all over the world. Elizaveta Babasyan, a first-year student of the FLaIC programme, interviewed her and asked about the uniqueness of HSE students, as well as about ways of communicating with young people.

What Is Intercultural Business Communication?

What do bachelor students study as part of the Intercultural Business Communication track? How can this knowledge be used in practice and in which professions? This article answers these questions.