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E-mail: fldepartment@hse.ru; langhse@gmail.com

Абитуриентам: soflabitur@hse.ru

Школа иностранных языков: Руководитель школы Колесникова Екатерина Алексеевна

Телефон секретаря: +7 (495) 772-95-90 внутр. 23152

Школа иностранных языков: Заместитель руководителя школы Врадий Надежда Валентиновна
Школа иностранных языков: Заместитель руководителя школы Попугаева Мария Витальевна

Выразительная кнопка
Выразительная кнопка

Перевод текстов по вопросам глобальной политики и деятельности ООН

Осипов Д. В., Петелина Ю. Н., Савельева У. А.

Астрахань: Издатель: Сорокин Роман Васильевич, 2024.

Глава в книге
Symbolic meaning of numbers in Chinese and Russian culture
В печати

Baglai N. O.

In bk.: Новый мир. Новый язык. Новое мышление. Выпуск VII: Материалы VII международной научно-практической конференции. M.: Дипломатическая академия Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации, 2024.

Digital resources on the Uralic languages of Siberia: an overview, evaluation and application

Fedotova I.

Arts and Humanities. No. osf.io, 2023

Курс Electronic Village 2015 (EVO) by TESOL

We'd like to share very interesting news. TESOL's Computer-Assisted Language Learning Interest Section (CALL-IS) has announced the Call for Participation for the Electronic Village (EVO) 2015. As you may know, EVO sessions are free and open to all (TESOL members and non-members). You only need a computer and Internet access and the desire to learn. These sessions are a great opportunity for professional development. This year, EVO features 13 five-week sessions on a variety of topics, including pronunciation, using Moodle, creating electronic textbooks, flipped learning, making Machina in Second Life, using the online game Minecraft to teach English, and so much more. These sessions do not carry academic credit. Participants may choose the level of participation that works for them. However, they tend to be time-consuming, so for your own good, CALL-IS encourages you not to register for more than two sessions.

For a complete listing and abstracts, visit the Call for Participation at http://evosessions.pbworks.com. To enroll in a session, follow the instructions on the session page.


SPLIS strongly encourages to take part in any of these workshops, but especially in the one that deals with pronunciation, entitled "Teaching Pronunciation Differently." For more information on this workshop, visit http://evosessions.pbworks.com/w/page/90060791/2015_Teaching_Pronunciation_Differently

Please note that registration for the sessions will take place from JANUARY 5 TO JANUARY 11, 2015. Mark your calendars! The sessions begin on January 12 and continue until February 15. To register for a session, follow the instructions on that session's page (session pages are linked to the CfP).

Feel free to share this information with your colleagues or other e-lists.

We hope you take advantage of this great opportunity to learn new things.


Our very best wishes for this holiday season!

Academic Department of Foreign Languages