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35 бюджетных мест
180 платных мест
10 платных мест для иностранцев
Иностранным абитуриентам на программе доступны как бюджетные (стипендии Правительства РФ для иностранных граждан), так и платные места
25 бюджетных мест
15 платных мест
10 платных мест для иностранцев
Иностранным абитуриентам на программе доступны как бюджетные (стипендии Правительства РФ для иностранных граждан), так и платные места
50 платных мест
5 платных мест для иностранцев
Julia Kuzmenkova, Erykina M. A.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2025.
Дискурс профессиональной коммуникации. 2025. Т. 7. № 1. С. 70-88.
Julia Kuzmenkova, Maria Erykina.
In bk.: New Ways to Think and Learn with Metacognition. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2025. Ch. 8. P. 125-140.
Fedotova I.
Arts and Humanities. No. osf.io, 2023
At the workshop Svetlana Bogolepova shared the results of a survey and interviews among university language instructors and her vision based on these results of what challenges language instructors face and what motivates them to publish. Among many there is a lack of motivation, personal and financial, administrative support, access to materials, and simply interest in academic writing. Lack of research skills may be one of the major barriers for language instructors.
Our guests speculated on their personal barriers to publication activity and outlined a direction of what to focus on for improving the efficiency.
The participants got precious insights from the experience of prolific writers on how publication output can be increased, which overall could be summarised as:
establish a daily academic research routine,
cooperate with colleagues,
use available resources,
always learn, even from rejections,
and read a lot of published research.
Svetlana Bogolepova encouraged the colleagues to be perseverant as the publication process takes time and effort. The best way to get better at writing is to read and write on a regular basis.
There was a traditional discussion after the seminar in which both teachers and students participated and shared their vision on publication activity. The colleagues talked about their own experience, pains and lifehacks in the publication process.
Thank you Svetlana Viktorovna for the workshop and inspiring us to fight and achieve the heights of the academic world!