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Colloqium+: семинар "Selected African American Poets from Harlem Renaissance to Our Present Time"

Мероприятие завершено

Приглашаем 8 апреля в 18.30 на онлайн-встречу, посвященную современной афроамериканской поэзии. Встреча пройдет в рамках Colloquium+.
Yasser K. R. Aman
Professor of English Literature
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University,
Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Аннотация мероприятия:
The presentation is mainly based on my book, "Modern African American Poets: From Hughes to Parker", which introduces African American poetry from totally new perspectives. The talk will also provide a bird’s eye view on African American theatre and prose. It will cover poets from the Harlem Renaissance to our present time. Race relations and poetry of protest are going to be discussed by comparing woks by Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen, who are introduced from new perspectives, viz., two psychological types: self-acceptance and self-dejection. The talk includes other poets such as Roscoe C. Jamison who represents voices unheard, those poets who were not often read and written about. Ai represents a person of multi-ethnic roots who dissects her society highlighting reasons of violence and sexual hunger. Nikky Finney, a representative of Affrilachian poetry and a political activist, focuses on different social and political issues. The presentation discusses the application of Dual Inheritance Theory on African American Poetry by two poets: Yusef Komunyakaa and Afro German poet May Ayim who was influenced by the African American poet Audre Lorde. It closes with a discussion of Morgan Parker’s ongoing effort exerted for redefining black womanhood.

Полезная литература по теме:

Selected readings (PDF, 47 Кб)