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115054, Moscow 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya ul.

Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 * 12481

Email: fldepartment@hse.ru; langhse@gmail.com

Head of the School Ekaterina Kolesnikova

Secretary's phone number: +7 (495) 772-95-90 ext. 23152

Deputy Head of the School Nadezhda Vradiy
Maria Popugaeva
Deputy Head of the School Maria Popugaeva
SCT Linguatest Academic. Past Examination Papers. Collection 1

Kolesnikova E., Vradiy N., Попова Д. А. et al.

M.: Proswestschenie, 2024.

Book chapter
Symbolic meaning of numbers in Chinese and Russian culture
In press

Baglai N. O.

In bk.: Новый мир. Новый язык. Новое мышление. Выпуск VII: Материалы VII международной научно-практической конференции. M.: Дипломатическая академия Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации, 2024.

Working paper
Digital resources on the Uralic languages of Siberia: an overview, evaluation and application

Fedotova I.

Arts and Humanities. No. osf.io, 2023


Five Seconds to Answer a Tricky Question

Do you know when the Queen sent her first e-mail? Would your coursemate be offended if you called him a “lad”?These were just some of the tricky questions that Anastasia Agapova, a student from the HSE School of Foreign Languages, had to answer in the “5 for English” show.


A NASA engineer visited the HSE School of Foreign Languages

Chilly Moscow

On January 20 2019, students, both Russian and international, who are studying  on the Foreign Languages and Cross-cultural Communication programme, went on a city-tour of“Moscow and its citizens”. 

Specifics of teaching English to foreign students

On the January 18 2019, a new student meeting as part of the Open Talks project was held at the School of Foreign Languages. 

Spanish Fiesta, Gondolier’s Song, and the Lantern Procession

Spanish Fiesta, Gondolier’s Song, and the Lantern Procession
Traditional annual festival of the School of Foreign Languages “Novemberfest” was held on  November10, 2017. It gave the audience lots of fun and moments to remember.

Rabota.ru: start seeking your dream job during first year!

Rabota.ru: start seeking your dream job during first year!
‘Stay updated on interesting companies’ news!’ — such a piece of advice may seem unusual at first sight, but that was what chief editor of Rabota.ru website Anna Chukseeva suggested. The expert explained bachelor and master students how to stay updated, how to meet the employer you dream of and how to compose a good CV.

International Scientific and Practical conference through postgraduate students’ eyes

International Scientific and Practical conference through postgraduate students’ eyes
On 1st and 2nd   December the second International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Strategies of Intercultural Communication in the Modern World: Culture, Education, politics’ took place. Researchers and foreign language teachers shared relevant linguistic research and highlighted new trends in the theory and practice of TFL.Postgraduate students shared their impressions on the event and told us about their volunteer experience.

When It's Time to Sing Songs

When It's Time to Sing Songs
On the 11th of November, HSE School of Foreign Languages celebrated "Novemberfest" which has already become a good tradition.

Exploring ESAP with Will Nash

Over 40 faculty members and MA students of Department of Foreign Languages got together on the first day of autumn break, October 24th, to take part in the workshop on teaching ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes).

Congratulations to the Master's programme newcomers!

Congratulations to the Master's programme newcomers!